Friday, November 21, 2014

Power naps and quick workouts

Do you ever wake up some mornings and think to yourself, "this just isn't happening"?

After a late night, my 7:30 alarm came way too early. As much as I wanted to hit snooze a million times, I had an appointment to rush off to and then a full day of anthropology studying ahead. 

I sat down with the best intentions to study, but it turned into reading blogs and snacking to keep myself awake. Oops. Speaking of which, have you ever tried warmed Clif bars??

If you haven't, please go try this ASAP and you can thank me later :) I popped this baby in the microwave for 15 seconds, and I'm pretty sure I heard angels sing.

After realizing studying wasn't working, I thought about going for a run, but I decided to be lazy take a quick nap instead. After an hour, I woke up feeling way more energized and ready to tackle everything :) I looked over my notes again before my night class, and actually absorbed everything and nailed my quiz. Power naps are totally underrated and work wonders :)

After class I still wanted to get in a good workout, but I knew my gym was only open for another hour, so beforehand I looked up a quick weight workout and found this from Women's Health Magazine:

The workout looks easy enough, but by the end I was happy to do abs because I could finally lay on the floor ;) The best thing was that I was in and out of the gym in 40 minutes and felt like I worked all my muscle groups :) I'll definitely be keeping this handy for when I'm on a time crunch. Although I'll probably add squats or lunges to target the legs a bit more :)

What are your favorite weight exercises?

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?

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